LG Electronics today unveiled the new Chocolate BL40, a widescreen handset with "split screen" technology that can show two views simultaneously. LG Electronics, the world's third-largest phone maker, said the new Chocolate features a 4.0-inch widescreen high-definition LCD with an 800 by 345 pixel resolution.
It is overlaid with curved tempered glass and encased in a glossy black finish with red highlights.
The wider screen has a 21:9 aspect ratio so users can read Web pages without scrolling horizontally and comes with "Dual Screen UI" so users can display two different types of content simultaneously.
"The initial response to the new LG Chocolate phone has exceeded our expectations by a wide margin," said Skott Ahn, LG Mobile's Chief Executive. "Although much interest seems focused on the striking shape of the handset, the real surprise will be when people discover the advantages of the 4.0-inch screen in terms of viewing pleasure and ease of use."
After LG debuted the original Chocolate debuted in 2006, it went on to sell 21 million units worldwide -- becoming the top selling phone in the company's history.
The new LG Chocolate BL40 will be available in 54 countries in the third quarter
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